• Participants who purchased tickets via KKTIX or RA will be given a festival band at the door by showing their e-ticket with A QR code. Download the KKTIX app for easy access to your ticket QR code.

    Door ticket sales will go on 4/26 (Fri) at 13:00, and payment available in cash and credit card. Door tickets are $5,000 for all three days of the festival.

    Participants will be required to wear their festival bands throughout the event. You will need to re-purchase a ticket if the bracelet is lost.st.

  • Entry from 4/26 (Fri) at 13:00, festival ends latest by 4/28 (Sun) at 22:00.

    Before 22:00 all camping equipment will be required to clear out.

    We do not provide any large garbage disposal. Thank you for your cooperation.

  • Please check in at the designated times at the counter, and let our staff direct you to your allocated campsite. Please do not set up your tents anywhere else. If you would like to camp next to your friends, please have everyone gather and check in at the counter together so our staff will be able to allocate you to neighboring camp spots. We do not accept reservations, specifications, or last-minute changes for campsites.

    Each tent is limited to size 3M x 3M. Should your tent be over the size limitation, we reserve the right to deny camping entry without refunding your campsite ticket price. No camping gear for rent on-site, please prepare your own equipment as specified.

    Please check on your equipment during the festival, if any issues should occur, please let our staff know immediately. If our staff isn’t informed of any concerns during your stay, we will not be responsible for any damages found upon checkout.

    The venue has 21 public showers and toilet facilities, all providing body wash, shampoo, and blow-dryers.

    For any equipment or facility within the campsite that is found destroyed, damaged, soiled, lost, or stolen, violators will be responsible for full price compensation.

    For participants who purchased a ticket for Glamping for 4 or 6, we provide one-off disposable toothpaste, toothbrushes, and towels. Participants with a campsite ticket will need to prepare their own necessities.

    The Glamping tents are equipped with a set of sockets only for phone charging, it is prohibited to plug in high-voltage electronic appliances such as hairdryers, induction cookers, heaters, electric pots, ovens, air conditioners, etc. Violators that cause circuit damage will be responsible for full-price compensation.

    We do not provide electricity or sockets at the campsite, please bring your own portable batteries, lamps, and flashlights. The sockets provided in public areas are only for phone charging, it is prohibited to plug in high-voltage electronic appliances. Violators that cause circuit damage will be responsible for full-price compensation.

    We will not be responsible for the safekeeping of your belongings. To prevent theft or damage, please carry your valuables with you.

    We reserve the right to modify, terminate, and alter the details of the festival.

  • Camping Check-in Times:

    4/26 (Fri) 13:00 – 22:00
    4/27 (Sat) 08:00 – 17:00

    Upon entry, please proceed to the camping check-in counter and show our staff the e-ticket with the QR code you’ve received via email. After verifying your ticket, our staff will direct you to your campsite.

    Participants who purchased a ticket for Glamping for 4 or 6 will be required to sign a confirmation slip and provide an ID (National ID, passport, or ARC) for our staff to keep. Please check out by 4/28 (Sun) at 22:00 at the counter and retrieve your ID.

    Participants who purchased a campsite ticket will be required to pack up and leave the campsite by 4/28 (Sun) at 22:00.

  • There are three public shower and toilet facilities on-site, all providing body wash, shampoo, and blow-dryers.

  • As our Glamping and campsites have all been sold out, these nearby accommodations listed below may still have some availabilities to those of you in need.

    We suggest looking within Shimen District and Sanzhi District, both areas are located a 10-15 minute drive away from the venue.

  • We offer a variety of food stalls at the festival, both meat and vegetarian options available. Drink stands for coffee, juice, and alcohol are available for purchase. Bringing your own reusable food wares is most highly recommended.

  • We provide plenty of water cartons available on-site. Please bring your own water container. Glass containers are prohibited.

  • To ensure the cleanliness of our festival environment, we hope to limit the amount of trash produced and encourage trash separation. There will be various trash disposals set up within the venue, with sections for recyclables and non-recyclables.

  • Secret Beach is nearby to the Baishawan beach area, with the cliffside going beyond the activity grounds covered by Organik Festival. Please remain safe and refrain from climbing on dangerous terrain. We will be not responsible for any accidents that occur past the border of our venue.

  • For the complete experience of enjoyment and comfort of all participants at our festival, apart from our photography department staff, we prohibit drones and any other flash-related objects such as lasers, flashing lights, etc.

  • As animals have an acute sense of hearing, the volume of music at the venue may cause them to experience stress and anxiety. To prevent distressing your pets and possibly disturbing other participants, we recommend not bringing them to the festival.

  • Our lost and found items area will be located at the entrance service desk. If you should find any lost items, please bring them to our staff at the service desk. We will not be responsible for the safe keeping of your belongings. To prevent theft or damage, please carry your valuables with you.

  • At Organik Festival, we aim to provide a relaxing, comfortable environment to channel our passion for music and dancing. We advocate for freedom, openness, love, and acceptance. We welcome everyone into our space regardless of race, background, class, or gender. If anyone should exhibit any disrespect such as homophobia, discrimination, and problematic behavior, we reserve the right to restrain and remove violators from the festival grounds. If you witness or experience such expressions, please inform our ground staff or security guards immediately. We will take care of you.

We prohibit all drugs, weapons, high-powered electrical products (generators, electric kettles, hairdryers, portable cookers), gas stoves, canister stoves, and any electric-powered cooking equipment. Cooked foods, alcohol, beverages, water, glass container, fireworks, and candles are also prohibited.

  • We aim to ensure the safety and health of all of our participants. For those who need to bring prescriptions medication with them into the venue, please comply with our policies:

    — At the security checkpoint, let our staff know about your health concerns and provide a copy of your prescription and an ID for verification
    — Store your prescription medication in its original packaging, inside the medicine bag printed with the hospital name and recipient information
    — Only the amount of medication within three days of worth is allowed
    —Unless necessary, tablets such as vitamins are prohibited

    For those who do not follow our policies above and attempt to hide their prescription medication, or withhold medication that our staff cannot verify as prescription, we reserve the right to confiscate them or deny entry.


We provide ambulance and professional healthcare available on-site. If you should experience any immediate situation, please ask for assistance at our medical station located inside the venue or ask any member of our staff nearest to you. For prescription medication usage, please follow our policies as stated above. We prohibit any form of illegal drug usage within the festival venue. Violators will be removed from the festival and handed over to the police.

Thank you for your support and cooperation. We look forward to seeing you all at Organik Festival 2024!


  • 由 KKTIX 及 RA 購票的來賓,於票口出示您 Email 所收到的電子票券 (QR code)即可兌換手環入場。您可以前往 App Store/Google Play 下載 KKTIX app,入場時以手機出示 QR code。

    4/26(五)13:00 於現場開始販售,提供現金及刷卡服務。現場購票為 $5,500,三日票。


  • 4/26(五)13:00 開放入場,活動結束最晚須於 4/28(日)22:00 前將相關露營設備整理完畢、辦理退房,並於22:00前離場,另現場不接受大型垃圾丟置,謝謝您的配合。

  • 於入口處完成驗票及通過安檢後,步入會場後即可看到露營報到處,請出示您 Email 所收到的電子票券 (QR code),核對完成後依循工作人員指示至您的營位。

    訂購「Glamping 4人」及「Glamping 6人」之貴賓,入住時須簽署確認單,及提供一張證件給房務人員,並請於4/28(日)22:00前至露營報到處辦理退房,領回您的證件。


  • 請於時間內至報到處完成報到手續後,由現場工作人員統一安排分配營位,請勿任意搭帳或強制選位,如有同行者請同時進行報到方便安排鄰近營位,恕不接受保留、指定營位及臨時調整位置。

    自搭帳每營位大小為3m x 3m,請勿攜帶超出尺寸之帳篷設備,若使用範圍超過尺寸限制,主辦方可拒絕出租,已付款項恕不退還;現場不提供營具出租,露營相關用品請自備。


    露營區設有四處共 21 間公用衛浴間,提供沐浴乳、洗髮精、吹風機。


    「Glamping 4人」及「Glamping 6人」提供之牙膏、牙刷、毛巾為一次性備品,恕不更換及補充;「自搭帳營位」請自備露營一切所需。

    「Glamping 4人」及「Glamping 6人」帳篷內配有一組延長線,僅提供手機充電使用,禁止使用高功率電器產品,如吹風機、電磁爐、暖爐、電鍋、烤箱、冷氣等,如未依規定而使線路燒毀,須照價賠償。




  • 現場設有四處共 21 間公用衛浴間,並備有沐浴乳及洗髮精及吹風機。

  • 本次Glamping及自搭帳營位已全數完售,若您尚未訂購住宿可參考以下鄰近場地之住宿,現仍有部分空房可訂購,或建議可尋找石門區、三芝區住宿,車程約10~15分鐘內可抵達,淡水區亦有眾多住宿可選擇,車程約38分鐘。

  • 活動現場備有各類食物攤,有葷食也有素食;現場也設有咖啡、果汁、調酒攤位。我們鼓勵自備環保餐具。

  • 活動現場設有多處設有紙箱水,請自備容器盛裝並嚴禁攜帶玻璃容器。

  • 為維護現場環境品質,我們希望能做到垃圾減量及分類。活動現場各處皆會備有垃圾丟棄處,分為可回收及不可回收兩大類。

  • 半島秘境鄰近白沙灣海域,岸邊懸崖已超出Organik Festival的場地範圍,其地形危險請勿攀爬,若越過警戒線發生意外主辦單位一概不負責。

  • 為讓所有舞客都能盡情享受Organik Festival,活動現場除官方攝影人員外,嚴禁空拍機或任何容易影響群眾的發光體如:鐳射燈、閃光燈等相關道具。

  • 動物聽覺靈敏,現場的音量可能使寵物們感到焦慮而心神不寧,為避免傷害寵物及影響到其他活動參加者,基本上我們不建議攜帶寵物。

  • 我們在入口處服務台設有失物招領區,若有拾獲任何物品請交至服務台。個人貴重物品請自行妥善保管,主辦單位恕不負任何保管責任。

  • Organik Festival 提供一個能讓大家完全放鬆、安心熱舞的環境,我們崇尚自由、開放、友愛及包容。在這個空間中我們歡迎所有人,不論種族、背景、階級或性別,若有人不尊重我們的價值或表現出力、恐同、歧視等偏差行為,我們有權阻止和勸離任何違反規定者。如果您看見或感受到有人有這類的偏差行為,麻煩請通知我們場內掛有名牌或身著保全服裝的工作人員,我們將立即處理,感謝您的支持與合作!

  • 熟食、酒精、飲料、水、違禁藥品、玻璃水壺、煙火炮竹、蠟燭、武器等危險物品,以及高功率電子產品(發電機、電熱壺、吹風機、電磁爐)、瓦斯爐、高山爐......等各式炊具。

  • 我們致力於維護現場所有人的安全與健康,若您有攜帶處方藥物進入現場的需求,請遵守以下規定:

    — 於安檢站主動告知攜帶處方藥,並提供醫師開立處方箋、個人身分證件,以核對資料
    — 藥品需存放於原裝容器、藥袋,並包含醫院及領藥人等標示資訊
    — 僅供攜帶三日所需份量
    — 禁止攜帶非必要之片劑如維他命


  • 活動現場備有救護車及專業護理師,若有緊急事件請至場內救護站或向最靠近您的工作人員尋求協助。個人使用藥品請遵循上述處方藥物規定,場內一律嚴禁任何非法藥物使用行為,被發現者一律驅逐出場並送交警方處理。

感謝您的配合,期待與大家共度美好的 Organik Festival 2024!