No. 15, Xiayuankeng, Shimen Dist., New Taipei City 253, Taiwan (R.O.C.)


Take the Metro Taipei Tamsui-Xinyi Line and get off at Tamsui Station, take Bus 862, get off at stop North Coast National Scenic Area Administration, then you will reach the site by foot in about
12 minutes.


Parking lots are now available for reservation. Please proceed to "PARKING " to purchase. There are four public car parks nearby the venue as spaces are limited, we highly recommend using public transport.

  • Baishawan Visitor Center Parking Lot 1 (59 Vehicles, 93 Scooters, 2 Disabled), a 10-minute walk to the venue

  • Baishawan Visitor Center Parking Lot 2 (61 Vehicles, 1 Baby Car), a 5-minute walk to the venue

  • Baishawan Visitor Center Parking (60 Vehicles, 80 Scooters, 2 Disabled), 15-minute walk to the venue

  • Linshanbi Parking (29 Vehicles), 4-minute walk to the venue

During the festival, parking will be permitted on one side of the road (from Linshan Nose towards Provincial Highway No. 2) along the red line section of Baishawan Xia Yuan-keng Road . Failure to comply with the parking regulations may result in police enforcement and towing.


捷運紅線淡水信義線於淡水站下車後,轉乘公車 862、863 或 867,於「北觀風景區管理處」下車後,


現已開放預訂停車位,請至 「PARKING」 購買。 此外,鄰近會場共有四個公用停車場,請多加利用,因停車位有限,又適逢週末假日,建議多搭乘大眾交通工具前往。

  • 白沙灣遊客第一停車場(汽車x59、機車x 93、特殊x2),步行至會場約 10 分鐘

  • 白沙灣遊客第二停車場(汽車x61、母嬰x1),步行至會場約 5 分鐘

  • 白沙灣遊客停車場(汽車x60、機車x80、特殊x2),步行至會場約 15 分鐘

  • 麟山鼻停車場(汽車x29),步行至會場約 4 分鐘
